
What makes us unique is our Philosophy in which we teach our students and deliver our performances. We follow the original style of lion dance, founded by southern Chinese martial art schools more than a thousand years ago.

Foshan (Fut San) Style:

The Foshan style of the Southern lion dance is perhaps the oldest form of lion dance. The lion heads ranges in sizes, the horns on top of the lion heads are more sharp, and its mouth is squared. The tails also ranges in length. The Foshan style uses more strength and “forceful” movements to make the lion seem much more fierce. Kung fu forms the foundation for training and is often incorporated into the performances. Because of the close relations to kung fu, the Foshan style focuses much more on the stances. The Foshan style is often the preferred style of many kung fu schools.

The Hero of Foshan

Wong Fei-hung (July 9, 1847 – May 24, 1924) was a Chinese martial artist, physician, acupuncturist and revolutionary who became a folk hero and the subject of numerous films and television series. He was considered an expert in the Hung Gar style of Chinese martial arts, which included Chinese lion dance.. Wong is visibly the most famous Hung Gar practitioner in modern times. As a physician, Wong practiced and taught acupuncture and other forms of traditional Chinese medicine in Po-chi-lam (寶芝林), his private clinic in Foshan, Guangdong. A museum dedicated to him was built in Foshan.


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Class Structure:

We observe our most important values in everything that we do: fitness, fun and tradition. Here is our class structure:

We observe our most important values in everything that we do: fitness, fun and tradition. Here is our class structure:

Section 1 – Traditional Class Opening

Section 2: Warm up and Fitness Conditioning

Section 3 – Lion Dance technique and/or Music

Section 4 – Fitness Conditioning 

Section 5 – Traditional class close.